Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Jewel

It has been said that eyes are the window to the soul. I know this to be true because I have seen straight into yours. The beauty of a sunset could not even begin to compare to what I see in you. When your soft fingers brush against my face it feels like a jolt of electricity and when you into my eyes it is all I can do to stay standing. And just when I am foolish enough to try to earn your love your actions remind me that is just simply not possible. You are like a gem I have found in a wasteland. Beautiful, precious, rare, and amazing in every way. Only this gem chose me when I picked her up; this rare pearl of a immeasurable worth. The way you walk is as a gentle breeze dances from place to place ever gracefully and beautifully stirring. To say that you are some sort of angel would be wrong. Nay, an angel couldn't command such awe and admiration from me. You have a feminine grace that no angel could ever hope to match.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it's okay...I'm writing a novel and I sort-of paraphrased some of your love notes and included that in my book. The guy leaves the girl a note. I wanted it to sound like it was coming from a male perspective and I really like your writing.
