Friday, December 31, 2010

The Awesomeness of Parables

The greatest teacher ever to walk the face of the earth spoke in parables all the time. I have oft wondered why. Why wouldn't he just tell them in straight forward terms? Would that not just be the more honest approach? Through out the years I have seen that God has no one reason for doing anything. The very idea that He would only have a single reason for anything He does is rather absurd when one bothers to think about it. God is the most complex being the universe has ever seen. He is so brilliant, ingenious and complex that He has the ability to compose the universe that we are in as a beautiful song. The mathematical equations that govern the universe are so infinitely amazing and truly song like that I would venture to say that even with the collective intelligence of every human being that has ever lived we would still not be able to devise anything with such complex elegance. The point is that there are numerous reasons for every action.  So a more reasonable question than "Why wouldn't He just tell them in straight forward terms," would be "What are His reasons for this round about story telling?" Before I continue please remember this is purely speculation and there are no doubt countless reasons that I cannot even begin to fathom.

There have been several occasions when I attempt to explain things to people and the response has been the glazed over deer in the headlights face. This happens more than I care to admit. Even after simplifying the explanation as much as possible I still see the zombified expression. The ideas that Jesus was exposing people to are much more difficult to grasp then my explaining the philosophy in ballistics. Taking this into account it is not hard at all to imagine that more than a few would just back off out of sheer frustration. Teaching in parables gives the audience an opportunity to digest the ideas over time. I think a good way to illustrate this is to bring up digestion, oddly enough. If one eats too much food too fast the body is forced to reject it as the body simply does not have the capacity to digest all of it fast enough. If too much information is given to a person without the proper time to "digest" it the person will retain very little of what was given. Give a person enough time to "munch" on an idea and you are likely to get a desirable response. There are times when it has taken me months before I am properly able to verbalize an idea that has been floating around in my noggin.

Another reason is mystery. There is something to be said about a person who can communicate an idea through mystery. Mystery keeps stubborn people interested. It causes the inquisitive to be even more inquisitive. Mystery, oddly enough, can, at times, shed more light on an issue than any other element. Those with the motivation or energy enough to investigate this mystery will often uncover more to the idea than would have been seen if it were explained in "plain terms". Remember as a child when someone would start as if to say something only to recant or say, "Naw, I shouldn't say anything." I don't know about you, but it would infuriate me. I would stop at nothing to find out what ever small and insignificant piece of information that was being withheld. Children are stubborn, no? In response to a vague story those with questioning minds are given to the tendency to ask even more than they would otherwise. If one believes that they understand all there is to understand about an issue why would he question any further?

Contrary to my last point, parables can provide even more clarity than a standard explanation. Let us look at the parable of the sower and the different ground. A man was sowing seed an threw seeds this way and that. Some landed in the path while others landed around the thorns. Some found their place on the rocks while still others found themselves on fertile ground. Needless to say this would have left those listening scratching their heads. As they say hindsight is 20/20. We can look at this with (presumed) understanding that those who first heard it did not have. The seeds that landed on the path were eaten by the crows. These crows are the (presumably) people that come after the message is given that discourage any growth or "munching" of the idea of salvation. The stones portion represents those who hear the word but don't bother to "sink their teeth into it." When the hard times come those who have not let it sink to their very core will be shaken in times of hardship. The thorns represent those who hear the word, but become preoccupied with the trappings and problems of this world. The fertile ground represents the minds of those who welcome the message of salvation and let it grow in their hearts. Just saying that there are people who will not "get it" and listing the types is not nearly as detailed as explaining it with the characteristics of soil and plants and animals in terms that the people of the era would identify with.

Also, a well worded parable displays an intimate knowledge and familiarity of and with the ideas being presented. Obviously, Jesus has the best understanding of this out of anyone. I think that it would behoove us as His followers to take another look at the parables that Jesus taught. When was the last time you looked at a parable?

Brownie points go to the people who can site the reason that Jesus actually gave. For much better explanations of the actual parables read the scripture following. My explanations are influenced by a limited mind and a tired body. Jesus is a lot better at explaining it. For the parable of the sower go to Matthew 13. All in all parables are really cool.

Also, I figured I would let you few who read this know that I have started writing a book (again). It is about why I carry. This is partially because I am continuously bothered by people about going to college while, at this point in time, I am totally unable to do so. At the very least, if I do somehow manage to get a book published I can those bothersome people to go read my book. The way it is turning out readers will think me either a completely mad man or someone that does, in point of fact, have an operating brain that does more than just control some involuntary bodily functions like breathing. Now all I have to do is actually finish it.

1 comment:

  1. Could you please write an adventure story instead, preferably with a happy ending? I have a feeling I would like that much better.

    By the way, collage is totally over-rated. Wasted 5 years of my life there and now I'm self-employed and no one ever asks me what my educational background is. My hubby never went to collage and he makes more $ than me. And no, Collage wasn't fun and did nothing to prepare me for life.

    I think God makes things so cryptic in the Bible so that the Devil won't know what's going on. Someone can read the Bible as much as they want but without God's help they can only guess at its meanings. Satan has the whole thing memorized, he knew all the prophecies about the messiah's birth, but he still didn't notice when Jesus was born in a barn. Time after time God is always a few steps ahead of him so that the devil can't ruin everything. That's why Revelation is so hard to understand. God doesn't want to show his hand until it's too late for the devil to do anything about it!

    Psalm 18:25-27
    To the faithful you show yourself faithful,
    to the blameless you show yourself blameless,
    to the pure you show yourself pure,
    but to the devious you show yourself shrewd.
