Saturday, January 15, 2011

Damn Cattle

I have a wolf dog. When I tell someone I have a wolf dog I say that I have a "high content wolf hybrid." She is 90% wolf. She is 100% stubborn. This past Wednesday she escaped from our yard into the adjoining field. Normally this would not be a problem and I would take the opportunity to run with her as it is so much fun for both of us. This time, though, it was not so fun. You see, in this particular field at this particular time was a herd of longhorns. These aren't just any cattle. These are very easily annoyed cattle with very large horns. As I saw her running toward this herd I called out to her. Stubborn as she is no amount of calling did any good. I started sprinting after her and trying to coral her back to the house. It was starting to work and I was chasing her back to the house when I saw my first stampede. These mad cows were running at me and my wolf. For those who have no experience with cows you should realize a few things. The first is that wolves can run fast. I am not talking like Olympic runner fast or even bicyclist fast. I am talking so fast that she can out run any deer even on a bad day. To catch up to her I had to make a mad dash for her and that is exactly what I did so when I was running back to the house I was on my last leg so to speak. Pardon the expression, but I had a particular four letter word going through my head when I saw those rather large horned beasts bearing down on me. Troublemaker shot off like an arrow for the house while I did my best to bail and hopped across the near by creek. When I finally hopped the creek the particular cow that was chasing me was about five or six feet behind me. He stopped at the edge of the creek as it is about four or so feet deep. I walked back to the house with a muddy shoe, but that was the extent of my damage. I don't know if my former Aikido teacher will ever read this or not, but I want to let anyone who reads this know that it is because of him that I managed to get away without so much as a scratch. He taught me to respond instead of react and it is because of that I remembered that the cows couldn't cross the creek where I was. Thank you, James. Also, it should be recognized that without God I wouldn't have been able to attend James' class or have the energy to run at all. Now, here I am writing and Troublemaker is a few feet away waiting for a triscuit.


  1. You should post a photo of your dog. I'm glad you're ok!

  2. hey, i'm rocio, i dont know if u'll see that but i had some problems with my internet...i'm sorry
    i'm gonna read your post :)
    nice to meet u!
